Section Seven

A commentary regarding the Political, Social, Cultural and Psychological state of today's world; expressed in terms of loving sarcasm.

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Location: United States

I know how you have to live inside yourself, isolate yourself because emotionally and mentally you have no equals here. How, more often than not, you have to compromise your thinking just to be understood. How you long for someone with the capacity to meet you where you live. On your level. (credit: Lawrence Hertzog)

Friday, May 05, 2006

The DaVinci Code Controversy...
The following was contained in a note sent by a friend. I'm not sure who the originator is, but it sounds like a good idea. I would only add that if you opt for the fourth choice, try to make it a theater that ISN'T showing the Da Vinci code. I also add that I'm not a fan of the "Over the Hedge" type movie, as it usually involves some pretty raunchy "humor." "Poseidon" opens up the week before the 19th, and if you've ever seen the original this promises to be a great re-make.

WHAT ARE YOU DOING MAY 19TH? May 19th is the date the Da Vinci Code movie opens. A movie based on abook that wears its heresy and blasphemy as a badge of honor. What can we as Christians do in response to the release of this movie? I'mgoing to offer you the usual choices -- and a new one.

Here are the usual suspects:

A) We can ignore the movie...
The problem with this option: The box office is a ballot box. The onlypeople whose votes are counted are those who buy tickets. And the ballotbox closes on the Sunday of opening weekend. If you stay home, you havelost your chance to make your vote heard. You have thrown your vote away,and from Hollywood's point of view, you don't count. By staying home, youdo nothing to shape the decision-making process regarding what movies willmake it to the big screen.

B) We can protest...
The problem with this option: It doesn't work. Any publicity is goodpublicity. Protests not only fuel the box office, they make all Christianslook like idiots. And again, protests and boycotts do nothing to help shapethe decisions being made right now about what movies Hollywood will make inthe next few years. (Or they convince Hollywood to make *more* movies thatwill provoke Christians to protest, which will drive the box office up.)

C) We can discuss the movie...
We can be rational and be ready with studyguides and workshops and point-by-point refutations of the lies promulgatedby the movie. The problem with this option: No one's listening. They think they knowwhat we're going to say already. We'll lose most of these discussionsanyway, no matter how prepared we are, because the power of story alwaystrumps the power of facts (why do you think Jesus taught in parables?!).And once again: rational discussion of history does nothing to affectHollywood's choices regarding what movies to make.

But there's a fourth choice. On May 19th, you should go to the movies. Just go to another movie. Save the date now. May 19th, or May 20th. No later than Sunday, May21st -- that's the day the ballot box closes. You'll get a vote, the only vote Hollywood recognizes: The power of cold hard cash laid down on a boxoffice window on opening weekend. Use your vote. Don't throw it away. Vote for a movie other than DVC. Ifenough people do it, the powers that be will notice. They won't have achoice. The major studio movie scheduled for release against DVC is the DreamWorksanimated feature Over the Hedge. The trailers look fun, and you can takeyour kids. And your friends. And their friends. In fact, let's all go seeit. Let's rock the box office in a way no one expects -- without protests,without boycotts, without arguments, without rancor. Let's show up at thebox office ballot box and cast our votes. And buy some popcorn, too.

May 19th. Mark your calendars now: Over the Hedge's opening weekend. Buy a ticket. And spread the word. Forward this e-mail to all the Christians in youraddress book. Post it on your blogs. Talk about it to your churches. Andlet's all go to the movies.

To read more on The Da Vinci Code, see:


Blogger M. Alexander said...

I hate going to the movies and until they start showing reruns of La Femme Nikita I'm boycotting all movie theaters, everywhere. At least until the next Chronicles of Narnia comes out.

5:45 PM  
Blogger tradcatholic said...

WEll, it is the 19th today. I have chosen to go see 'Over the Hedge' today, Friday. I would go tomorrow, but the place will be filled with little squirmy kids fooling around and laughing at stupid animated animals and missing all the double meaning 'dialogue'. On second thought, I may just go to the theatre and buy the overpriced ticket and skip the movie. The point is to make DVC the least seen movie offering of the weekend - of the decade!- so it dries up and blows away. Anyway, the plot is stupid. We all know that God - Jesus- is PRO-LIFE, so why did he have only ONE child with his wife??? Huh, answer THAT, Dan Brown!! At least you should be consistant in your errors!!

10:33 AM  

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